Cask Mouse

NYC 2015 / Video

When the world was looking the other way, New England’s Cask Mouse quietly became the best thing going. This fiery act will always be known by Adam & I as the little band that blew away Austin in 2013 – and now they’ve done the same thing for us again in New York City in 2015! Cask Mouse is in their own words, ‘a true contradiction’. It’s  a quality reflected in the range of the songs that occupy their set and perhaps due to the various creative minds that have somehow come together to form this wonderful sonic amalgam. Songs can be delicate, beautiful and sparse, like classic country folk – or wild, rambunctious stomps from a whiskey-soaked night.  “Cask Mouse are one of the very best live bands in the American Northeast, if you don’t know this band now you have some homework,” says Outlaw founder Ryan Spaulding. “Don’t worry, this is the kind of work we can all get behind.”

MORE GREAT VIDEO TO COME: All footage shot for the Outlaw Roadshow  are the work of Ehud Lazin of SBGIt has been a joy to work with someone as passionate about new music and historic performances as we are. We want you to share Ehud’s videos to the world! Check out the SBG YouTube channel

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